Used to specify height settings for the GPS in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
Used to specify height settings for the GPS in ArcPadPrefs.apx.
antennaheight optional xs:double
The antenna height specified in the GPS Height page of the GPS Preferences dialog in ArcPad, in meters. This value is subtracted from the height reported by the GPS receiver.
geiodseparation optional xs:double
The geoid separation specified in the GPS Height page of the GPS Preferences dialog in ArcPad, in meters. This value is subtracted from the height reported by the GPS receiver.
units optional xs:string
The units code that specifies height units for the geoid separation and antenna height in the GPS Height page of the GPS Preferences dialog in ArcPad.
usemapunits optional Restriction of xs:string
Specifies whether to use the units of the map's coordinate system when storing GPS elevation. If the coordinate system's units are degrees, the height units are meters.
Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | Description |
antennaheight | xs:double | optional | 0.0 | | The antenna height specified in the GPS Height page of the GPS Preferences dialog in ArcPad, in meters. This value is subtracted from the height reported by the GPS receiver. |
geiodseparation | xs:double | optional | 0.0 | | The geoid separation specified in the GPS Height page of the GPS Preferences dialog in ArcPad, in meters. This value is subtracted from the height reported by the GPS receiver. |
units | xs:string | optional | | | The units code that specifies height units for the geoid separation and antenna height in the GPS Height page of the GPS Preferences dialog in ArcPad. |
usemapunits | Restriction of xs:string | optional | true | | Specifies whether to use the units of the map's coordinate system when storing GPS elevation. If the coordinate system's units are degrees, the height units are meters. |
<xs:element name="HEIGHT" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:documentation>Used to specify height settings for the GPS in ArcPadPrefs.apx.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute default="0.0" name="antennaheight" type="xs:double">
<xs:documentation>The antenna height specified in the GPS Height page of the GPS Preferences dialog in ArcPad, in meters. This value is subtracted from the height reported by the GPS receiver.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute default="0.0" name="geiodseparation" type="xs:double">
<xs:documentation>The geoid separation specified in the GPS Height page of the GPS Preferences dialog in ArcPad, in meters. This value is subtracted from the height reported by the GPS receiver.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="units" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>The units code that specifies height units for the geoid separation and antenna height in the GPS Height page of the GPS Preferences dialog in ArcPad.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute default="true" name="usemapunits">
<xs:documentation>Specifies whether to use the units of the map's coordinate system when storing GPS elevation. If the coordinate system's units are degrees, the height units are meters.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="true" />
<xs:enumeration value="false" />
See Also